Galloway Acoustics
- | Cabinets and Enclosures
- | Heating and Ventilation
- | Power Generation
Galloway Acoustics Engineering Services LLC. is a distinguished acoustic solution provider based in Middle east and Asia focused
Galloway Acoustic’s sound attenuators and acoustic louvers are highly effective in noise control acoustical treatment of HVAC Chillers , Power Generators and Colling towers , designed to mitigate transmission of heavy noise to neighboring spaces or with in the building limits.
Whether it may be Heavy Generator noise or High noise chillers. Galloway Engineers ensure the design of best suitable acosutic products to meet the minimum to stringent noise level requirements.
Galloway products are tested to latest industry standards in an independent UKAS accredited test laboratories. Certifications and Catalogues are available upon request.
Leminar Air Conditioning Industries L.L.CP.O. Box 93
P.O. Box 33539
Dubai Industrial City
United Arab Emirates